Alas, I had to go to work to get a table runner quilted. It is for a class we will be teaching in the fall. Its from Sue Daley's English Paper Piecing book and was beautifully made by Cathy Hetherington.
For inspiration, I used Deloa Jones book on feathers. I love all of DeLoa's books and she has really good templates as well. My favourite template is her Appliguide which I use all the time for quilting around applique. We sell her products at our store and our online store.
Here is the table runner loaded and ready ... now on with the quilting.
You can just barely see my markings in this one. My leader grips are showing. Haven't tried leader grips? check them out on our website
Looks pretty good. Not as good as DeLoa by any means but I learned a lot through the process and next time will definitiely be better.